In the ever-evolving world of content creation, finding useful tools and programs to expedite your process is invaluable.

However, knowing where to draw the line between productive and overwhelming can be challenging.

Whether you’re after informative blog posts, effective landing pages, engaging social content, or something similar, it can be difficult to continually produce high-quality, converting content.

The good news is that AI has developed to be incredibly helpful when used correctly, especially with an AI copywriting tool.

But with so many program and software options, knowing what’s best for you is hard.

This Jasper AI review will walk you through its various features and functions to help you decide if it’s the right program for you.

Our Verdict

Jasper AI

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Jasper AI is the ultimate tool for producing high-quality, tailored content across various platforms. Save time and maintain a consistent brand voice with its versatile features, making it an essential asset for bloggers, entrepreneurs, and content teams.

prosVersatile tool that can meet all of your content needs

prosLarge selection of templates and unique features

prosSupports content creation in 30+ languages

prosCan generate AI art

consExtensive features may be overwhelming for beginners

consOutput may require human refinement from time to time

Jasper AI is an advanced and versatile AI content creation tool that excels in helping users produce high-quality content efficiently.

It’s especially beneficial for bloggers, freelancers, entrepreneurs, small businesses, marketing agencies, and content teams, offering tailored features like content templates, brand voice customization, and SEO integrations.

Although the free plan is limited, and generated content may require some human refinement, Jasper AI’s powerful tools, intuitive interface, and ability to streamline various content creation processes make it a valuable asset for anyone looking to enhance their productivity and maintain a consistent brand voice.

What is Jasper AI? 

jasper ai homepage

At its heart, Jasper AI is a powerful AI writing tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to help you create content quickly and easily without sacrificing quality.

It’s a versatile program optimized for many use cases, including blog posts, social media content, emails, product descriptions, press releases, and more.

Jasper AI is a leading tool in content creation and management. It’s proficient in assisting individuals and businesses alike.

You can also use it to ideate, outline, and refine existing content.

Whether you’re a single writer or a business, Jasper AI can help you streamline your process, making your life easier and saving you time.

Getting Started with Jasper AI 

Getting started with Jasper AI is quick and easy. First is the onboarding process.

This is part of the content creation process that Jasper AI streamlines to enhance productivity and creativity.

It wants you to provide your industry, company or workplace name, company size, and website.

This information can help create personalized content that matches your brand.

If you’re an entrepreneur or freelancer working independently, you can simply input your name as “workspace name.”

You can also use your personal website/blog you’ll be writing for or your portfolio if you have nothing else.

jasper ai onboarding process
jasperai onboarding screen questions

Jasper AI Main Features: Creator Membership

Jasper AI has two main membership tiers: Creator and Pro. The creator membership is cheaper and designed for individuals.

The pro membership unlocks additional features and is geared toward teams, though individuals may still want access to the extra features.

That said, the creator membership has many benefits and can significantly enhance your content strategy with the following features:


Before you begin creating your document, you can choose from a variety of templates.

These tell Jasper AI what you want to write and give it an idea of how to create and format it.

If you don’t see your desired template under “popular templates,” you can search the program for one before making your own.

create content template in jasper ai

Popular templates include:

  • Several types of blog posts

  • Social media posts

  • Product descriptions

  • Emails

  • Advertising mediums

  • And more

You can also use Jasper AI to generate a compelling blog post intro paragraph quickly and effectively.

Once you select a template, you can add additional information depending on the type of content you’re creating.

For example, you can input critical features and benefits for a product description, and for a blog post, you can specify the topic and target audience.

jasper ai blog post creation

If none of the templates perfectly suit your creation, you can simply tell Jasper what you want to write, and the AI will do the rest.

Once you’ve finished filling out your desired information, you can create an outline.

You may choose to do this manually or have Jasper AI generate an outline for you based on your information.

If you’re unhappy with it for any reason, you can request that it try again by asking it to regenerate.

Regenerate response in jasper ai outline

Lastly, you can tell Jasper to create the content in your “brand voice.” When you sign up, Jasper asks if you have a personal or company website.

If you input the URL, you can have Jasper write content in a voice and style that matches your website.

This is fantastic for blogs that post regularly and want to maintain a specific and consistent voice.

The Creator membership level allows you to add one brand voice to the account.

Upgrading to Pro lets you add a total of three brand voices – perfect for writers with multiple blogs or a small business with various channels.

For more than three brand voices, you can upgrade to the Business level membership, the pricing of which depends on your unique needs and wants.

add brand voices on jasper ai

Once you have an outline, it’s time to generate your content. Jasper AI can do this for you based on your information and the outline.

After waiting a few seconds, the content appears to the right in the Jasper AI editor.

jasper ai blog post output

Once the content is there, you can edit, rewrite, expand, and refine to your heart’s content.

You can manually change anything you want or have Jasper keep doing the work for you.

Content Writing Tools

Jasper AI generating the content for you is just the beginning. Jasper AI offers plenty of AI writing tools and features to help you craft the perfect content.

For starters, the document editor conveniently includes all the basic editing functions you’ll need for proper formatting, such as headings, bolding, lists, etc.

Beyond that, you can utilize Jasper’s powerful AI abilities on the fly.

Improve and Refine

By simply highlighting a block of text, you can make several instant changes to it using their in-text AI editor:

Jasper AIs In-Text AI Editor Tool

For example, the highlighted block of text was from the first draft of content generated from the original outline.

Jasper was then asked to change the tone to “professional.” You can see the difference it made:

Jasper AI changing tone to professional

If the action you want to take doesn’t appear in Jasper’s pop-up menu, you can tell it precisely what you’d like to do to the selected text.

In this next example, the custom prompt was “can you expand on this and be more specific:”

With all of these prompts and changes, you can choose to replace the selected text if you’re happy with the change, or have Jasper try again.

You can keep trying again and adjusting your prompt until you’re satisfied with the result!

Alternatively, you can manually change some of the content before having Jasper try again for a tone or length adjustment.

The options for refining and perfecting are limitless.


Jasper AI also has an AI-powered chatbot that can help you with any aspect of creating content. This AI tool is particularly useful for content creators looking to generate SEO-optimized short-form content quickly.

Designed to mimic human conversation, you can prompt it with anything you want.

Jasper AI chatbot assisstant

For example:

  • Ask research questions for a blog post

  • Generate headlines or titles

  • Ask for ideas and inspiration

  • Ask for formatting or citation clarification

  • Ask grammar or spelling questions

  • Tips to improve your skills

  • And so much more

Jasper AI’s answer to your initial inquiry will appear in an instant messaging-style chat, where you can continue the conversation.

You can ask for further information, clarification, etc.

Jasper AI chatbot response to a query

Of course, AI is liable to get its facts wrong occasionally, so it’s crucial to confirm information like dates, timelines, names, legal information, etc.

But it’s an excellent tool for getting quick answers or a head start on some research and facts.

Content Improvement and Repurposing

Jasper AI doesn’t just help you with writing content; it can also help you repurpose, refine, and improve existing content.

Its powerful remixing tool lets you fix, change, optimize, and improve the content you already have. You can upload documents, link to something, or simply paste in some text.

This tool is also great for condensing long-form content into something shorter.

For example, summarizing a blog article for a Facebook post or summarizing a long document for a blog post.

Whatever your goal is, you tell Jasper AI exactly what you want to do with the content.

Jasper AI remix feature


To help you get the most out of Jasper and use it to the fullest extent, it offers a variety of integrations with other programs.

These include Google Docs, Google Sheets, Zapier, Webflow, Microsoft Word, and more. Perhaps the most exciting and versatile is a partnership with Surfer SEO.

Surfer SEO is a powerful SEO tool that can help you increase SERP results, compare your content to others on the web, and much more.

If you have a paid membership (of any level) to both Surfer SEO and Jasper AI, you can get the Surfer SEO add-on within Jasper AI.

This lets you combine your content creation efforts with a strong SEO strategy.

Together, they make a powerful team that addresses every aspect of your plan, strategy, and process.

Jasper AI Pro Membership Upgrade Features

While the creator level membership is perfectly adequate for many solo freelancers, writers, or even small business owners, you can further enhance your experience with the next level.

The Pro membership is more expensive, but it offers several additional features that enhance your content and make collaboration even more accessible.

It also includes tools that assist in creating persuasive marketing copy for advertisements and email campaigns.

Create AI Art

Firstly, you gain access to the AI image feature.

This built-in AI art generator responds to your detailed information and prompts. You can create a prompt that is as simple or detailed as you want.

You can also accompany your prompt with a few other pieces of information:

  • The mood, such as happy, whimsical, exciting, gloomy, fun, etc.

  • The medium, such as collage, ink, photo realistic, oil paint, etc.

  • Other elements such as high resolution, highly detailed, full face portrait, realistic, etc.

Below is an example of a creation with “calm” and “photography” selections.

The Prompt was “a person sitting at a desk writing at the computer with a notebook and pen beside them for taking notes.”

You can always re-prompt and try again, as these images may take a few tries to perfect.

However, the ability to generate them directly within Jasper and seamlessly add them to your content is incredibly convenient.

Jasper AI creating art feature

Create Campaigns

Next, you gain the ability to create campaigns. This is an excellent feature to have for larger teams or businesses that may have multiple content streams or projects happening simultaneously.

You can keep different documents contained within their specific campaign.

This also means you can organize your writers or other staff into who is working on which campaign. The Pro membership tier allows for a maximum of three campaigns.

If you need even more than that, you can upgrade to the Business plan, which requires contacting their staff to discuss your individual needs.

Knowledge Base

The knowledge base is another interesting option included with the Pro membership.

You upload a document, web page, or other piece of information or media to your account that Jasper can reference when you ask it to write on a certain topic.

Jasper AI knowledge base

For example, this helps you keep blog posts on the same general topic similar and consistent.

You can also upload facts and information to ensure your generated content is accurate. Essentially, it’s a way of “training” Jasper to be smarter and more accurate in the way you want.

Add to jasperai knowledge base

When creating content, you can choose whether you want Jasper to reference a specific piece from your knowledge base, meaning your content is still as flexible as ever.

With the Pro membership, you can upload up to 10 assets to your knowledge base. Like campaigns, you can acquire more with the Business level membership.


Lastly, the Pro membership is much more suited to proper and regular collaboration. With this level, you can add up to five seats to the account, giving each individual full access to all the features of Jasper AI.

Who is Jasper AI Best For?

Jasper AI has many useful and powerful features, but who are they best for? While it’s an effective tool that many may find value in, it’s perfect for a variety of specific user types:

  • Bloggers and freelancers. Whether personal blogs or managing multiple clients, bloggers and freelancers often juggle various projects at once. Jasper AI can help draft and outline articles, assist in faster research, make editing a breeze, and speed up the writing process. It can also help you keep your projects organized. Additionally, Jasper AI can streamline the process to write blog posts, helping you generate high-quality content much faster and overcome writer’s block.

  • Entrepreneurs and small business owners. Running a small business is no small feat – owners and operators often wear many hats. Jasper AI can help you maintain your company blog, regularly engage on social media, manage your emails, and much more. It can save you money on a marketing team and give you time to do other things.

  • Marketing agencies. For agencies juggling multiple clients, projects, and staff, Jasper AI can help you organize, delegate, and streamline. Especially if you opt for the personalized business plan, you can create unlimited campaigns and manage as many writers and editors as you need.

  • Social media managers. Jasper helps you create all kinds of content, including social media. Social media content varies in length, just like anything else. It’s also unique and requires tact, skill, and strategy. Jasper AI can help you craft compelling, engaging, visually appealing, and concise social media content.

  • E-commerce business owners. Jasper AI is the perfect tool for creating compelling product descriptions that convert. Show off your products perfectly and effectively highlight their benefits. Then, use Jasper AI to manage your blog, respond to emails, create pitches, and more!

  • Content teams in large businesses. Many large organizations have a marketing department and/or a content team. Jasper AI can be useful to whoever runs and manages this team. Writers can be assigned to campaigns, and deadlines can be set within the program, with each writer having access to all of Jasper AI’s features. It is great for organizing and delegating, and the whole team benefits when each writer is quick, efficient, and streamlined in producing quality content every day.

Jasper AI Pricing 

jasper ai pricing

Jasper AI offers a uniquely flexible membership plan that caters specifically to anyone. To start, they have two fixed tiers, Creator and Pro.

The Creator tier is perfect for individuals and freelancers, while the Pro is great for small teams or individuals who want extended features.

Beyond this is their “Business” tier, which requires you to contact their sales team to discuss your needs.

You can outline your desired use of their features and what customization you might benefit from. You can even gain API access.

Once your personalized plan is determined, you’ll receive a quote. This is the perfect solution for larger businesses with higher content demands.

Is Jasper AI Worth the Investment?

While it’s no secret Jasper AI is among the more expensive AI content-writing software, its powerful technology and versatile features make it more than worth it for the right users. From streamlined, high-quality content to unique images at your fingertips, Jasper saves you lots of time.

You can also add your personalized brand voice and knowledge assets to a “database” unique to your account. This is an incredible way to ensure your content is unique, personal, accurate, and sounds just like you. However, remember that Jasper AI is just a tool and requires your input and careful review to ensure accuracy.

Consistency is key, and that applies not only to the frequency of content but also to the content itself. A steady, consistent brand voice resonates with customers and followers, letting them feel like they know you and building instant rapport.

Overall, Japer AI is a high-quality writing assistant that offers endless benefits to individuals, businesses, and teams.

Affiliate Disclaimer: Our website may earn a commission through affiliate links at no extra cost to you, but rest assured, we recommend only the software we truly believe in, and your support enables us to create valuable content.

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